Hello Friends,
This is a stressful time if you read the news, as its evident that there are forces that wish to start another world war, while the rest of us simply wish to live in peace with our families, live and work and carry on another day.
Yet, there is something you can do, here, within your own self and using your Human Energy including your thoughts and emotions.
You Can Manage Your Energy in the Face of War Spells
How we interact with the energies we are being shown in media, and the assertions to what we should believe and what we should care about, either contribute to the war energies, or do not contribute.
This is because, by contributing our thoughts and emotions, we assist in creating a group consciousness, in the energy environment around us.
My approach here is to be in a space of neutral about the assertions for war and about the terrible tragedies going on, at this writing, in the Middle East.
That is; when I’m faced with the information, my response is to go within and have peace within myself.
This is how war energy diminishes and disintegrates.
We create peace, but first, we create the peace within our own selves.
From this place, I can look back out at the information I’m being presented with, from a place of compassion, peace and love.
I add no emotions to the war energy. I add no thoughts to the war energy.
I do not contribute my energy to the creation of war.
Astrology Stories: Pluto’s Contribution to War Tensions
In this 5 minute video, I discuss the energies of Pluto’s important recent movements, and how they play into the creation of ‘war spells’ upon the Human population:
Chapters (You can go directly to the chapter by choosing that time link.)
0:00 Pluto, the 'Arrow Pulled Back', Creating War Tension
1:07 Keep Praying - Bringing Consciousness to What You Help Create in the World
1:52 Pluto's Movement Direct Starting Oct 20, 2023 2:30 What Matters is Between You and God, Your Own Soul
2:50 Pluto's Moves, November-December 2023
3:50 The Long Haul - Pluto's Moves to Aquarius Over the Next 2 Years
4:20 Changing Your Life Means Facing the Darkness
It’s almost as if the energy of Pluto, Mars and fixed star Terebellum (‘Earth War’ in Latin), recently all tightly intertwined energetically by aspect in the astrology charts, are being used to create a spell upon us at the moment, attempting to put us into a trance that accepts war.
For a Deeper Dive - See these Substack Posts
Developing Inner Resilience in the Face of War Energy
The Outer World Reflects the Inner World?
In my view, you can consciously assist in creating peace by working on yourself.
Easy as pie, right?
Ah, this is perhaps the toughest diplomatic effort of all; the effort to find peace within.
If we have peace, love, and connection with our own Soul within, our ability to decline war offers skyrockets.
Our ability to live the life we’ve always desired is enhanced.
How to Decline War by Creating Peace, Within
The essence of war is division between people. On an individual level, we can contribute to peace, and consciously choose to decline war, by healing the divisions within our own selves.
We do this by:
Facing the darkness hidden in the shadows of our personality,
Pulling our Love and Soul energy out of the darkness,
Re-integrating this formerly exiled Love and Soul energy, and
Consciously making a choice and taking an action that is aligned with your Soul and with Divine Will through you.
Where Are You at War with Yourself?
It’s my experience in the past that the places that were the deepest, darkest, most confusing ‘battle ground’ was the terrain of my own thoughts and emotions.
In particular, going back several years, I began to understand that I was not in control of generating my own thoughts - they were running rampant and causing havoc within myself.
Generating peace, calm and centeredness within, are all possible through connection with the living force of the Creator within you, with your own Soul, with the Divinity that is your Source.
In my view, a personal connection with Divinity (divine means ‘of God) is key to achieving this level of healing.
Here’s a one minute summary on how to recognize and claim back your peace and inner centeredness in a way that will shift your world for the better:
Our Own Crystalized Thought Forms Create War, Within
I feel that there’s essentially a ‘new form’ of mental health crisis among us, and it is the creation of polarized thought forms within our own minds.
We hold highly polarized, often conflicting thoughts, many times at opposite ends of spectrums of meaning, in our minds at the same time.
Step by step unwinding these thoughts within our own minds is a key to victory.
Bringing the light of awareness to our thinking and thought patterns helps heal this crisis of mind that afflicts so many of us.
The polarization of thinking in mainstream media, the emphasis and validation of emotional outbursts, and the limitations on face-to-face discourse imposed by the years of pandemic fears, all contributed to the explosion of ‘crystalized thought forms’ within our own minds.
Identifying these thought forms, and healing them with love for one’s self, is key to creating inner calm, inner peace, and inner wholeness.
Here’s a one minute explainer about crystalized thought forms:
Applying Love Heals the Mind
How do we begin?
We do the simple act of bringing awareness to what we are thinking.
We bring awareness to what we are asserting when we speak.
5 Steps to Heal the Thought Forms in Your Mind:
Slow down.
Apply Love.
Slow Down:
Hear yourself talking. Recognize you are expressing a ‘thought form’ of some kind.
Stop talking. Make the inner affirmation that you are bringing awareness to the process of healing yourself now, in this moment.
What was I just saying?
Why did I say it?
What belief is this based on?
What hidden thought(s) or assumption(s) are behind what I was just saying, thinking, or expressing?
Is there a series of thoughts - a ‘thought stream’ - behind this word - action - deed of mine?
In what order are these thoughts?
Make a mental list of them for your awareness.
What is the thought, belief, or assumption I’ve just discovered?
Make the choice to choose consciously whether to continue holding these ‘crystalized forms’ in your mind.
Ask yourself: Do I choose, at this moment, to continue speaking, acting, believe from this thought form?
If the answer is no, 'give it to God’. Consciously remove the energy of the crystalized thought form from your mind and energy field. This is an act of self love.
If the answer is yes, recognize that the choice to continue to hold a thought form is the choice to create in ‘astral energy’ (the non-physical 4th dimensional space) in your mind and Human Energy Field.
Apply Love:
Removing unaligned thought forms is an act of love for yourself. If you can feel love within, allow yourself to feel this love for you, as you do the removal process.
I find the highest outcomes when I connect with the love of my own Soul for me; with the love of God, the love of the Creator, for my Human self.
This love lives within me in my heart.
My heart is the connection with my own Soul. It is the home of the living flame of the spark of the Divine Source that created me. My Soul is the Divine energy that sustains my life force.
Applying this love from my heart to the thought form in my mind or in my energy field heals me at the level of Soul purpose and Soul mission.
Applying love to myself in this way honors the Human Being that I am, affirms my desire for Life itself, creates inner Peace, and heals the divisions within me.
Doing the Work
Doing the 5 steps outlined above is far more challenging than whatever we think we can do to change the world outside of ourselves.
Yet, doing this work is where our greatest victory lays waiting dormant, until we reach for it by turning the light of our own awareness, within.
Love, Susan
©2023 Susan Inspired. All Rights Reserved. Views reflect those of the author, only. Permission is given to personally share this article and video as long as the author’s credit is given, and the content shared is not behind a paywall.
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"If you can feel love within, " proceed. If not, there's the rub ! Reminds me of Emoto's water crystals, clearly Inspired Susan. Thank you.
I love your work - Just joined you for year - Love and Light dear Sister