This was fascinating! I think the message that we can refuse is a powerful one. We forget that.

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It is and a no thank you is also an answer :)

One can always start and end the day with an intention like..."I only allow energy of the highest good to enter my personal space."

Susan is super intuitive and very good at protecting the space and claiming personal sovereignty. I have learned a lot from her in the past. If the subject interest you I can highly recommend her work.

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Thank you, Gold. It is good to see you here. Thank you for commenting!

Thank you very much for your recommendation. I very much appreciate this. 💙🙏

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Thank you. It's important if we want to retain our way of life. It's that potent of a mechanism at the level of personal use.

The more of us doing so, the more we shift. The more we shift, the more our personal world changes.

Perhaps one day, (in general) we meet each other at 'new levels' that we have each created. It's happening already.

- I say in general because I'm being clear, for example, this is not an agreement to meet you or anyone else or to make promises or vows.

- Rather, it's a neutral idea I'm presenting, that anyone may receive, but then apply their own emotion and context to the message.

In the 'now' moment, I'm finding this to be true already - those of us who can meet at '5D' - zero point - centeredness - a prayerful state of being - are already doing so.

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