Incredible influences come together at this time. Use them to create the future you desire.
Stunning Inauguration Astrology
Video Chapters
0:00 A Commitment to Re-building
4:20 Accelerating Energy
5:14 Moving New Structure Forward
6:20 Opportunity for Self Recovery
8:46 The Generational Danger has Passed
9:46 Uranus & Mars Get it Done
10:35 Pluto Eclipsed by the Sun
11:36 Nodes at Karmic 29˚
13:31 Soul Restored
There was a stunning coincidence of energies for the USA Presidential Inauguration this week.
A Harvest of Prior Effort
In it’s square to Jupiter, Saturn moved to 16˚ of Pisces two days before Inauguration Day.
You can think of 16˚ like the peak of a sine wave. It’s a place where you either begin the harvest of your efforts, or you bow out.
How are you feeling right now? To maximize this energy, look over what you have put effort into during 2024.
There is something there; You will be able to use what you have built, internally or externally so far, to benefit yourself in these energies. This will be a launch point for you to something better, like a reward for efforts put in.
Your efforts may have been in the intangible realm also - more difficult for others to see (since Saturn is in Pisces). That’s okay. What matters is the work you did up to now.
Ask yourself: Where do I wish to go from here in my life?
Allowing the Divine Flow to Manifest for You
The opportunity, with the square to Jupiter in Gemini, is to build a tangible foundation in the air principles, for yourself now. It will likely involve a tribe of some sort, whether friends, family, soul tribe, or those of like mind.
How do you build something tangible when Jupiter is in an air sign as is Pluto? You review your thinking, your approach, your way of communicating about it.
You put your mind ‘on solid ground’.
You stabilize your thinking.
In the optimal, you strengthen your mind and align it with Divine principles (Jupiter).
This isn’t a time to ‘fight with God’ or question your relationship with the Divine, or falter in your inner resilience. It’s a time to build these things up in yourself.
Whether you are happy about the inauguration and changing of the guard politically or not, you can use these amazing energies to benefit yourself in your life; to uplift your life.
The energy provided by this ongoing Saturn-Jupiter square is lead by God’s will for the individual. Jupiter represents God’s presence and even the Soul (Divinity) within your Human form.
The trick here is to allow. From the level of the Soul, to allow ourselves to be led by the Divine impulse emanating from your Soul’s Source, and out into the world through the life you are living.
Loss and Letting Go - Hope and Opportunity
With Pluto coming out of Capricorn, there has been a kind of mourning for what was. With the Sun conjunct (meeting) Pluto this week, the Light shines into the fullness of our lives, including the good, but the depths of the pitfalls are also visible to us.
Pluto’s move into Aquarius brings a new excitement though, and new opportunities.
How do we deal with this wide range of possibilities?
My recommendation is to consciously choose your focus.
Do you want life to be better? Then allow the water to pass under the bridge, and recover and elevate your Soul connection and guidance while doing it.
Things Are Going to Begin to Accelerate
Pluto has rapidly accelerated movement and it's going to move almost 4° in only 5 months (through May 2025).
It’s like we will be getting ‘a preview of the future’ the next few months.
Pluto will be in Aquarius for about the next 20 years, and we will likely experience incredible changes. Remember that innovation and new ideas benefitting ‘the people’ are key themes in Aquarius.
We’ve tended to focus on Pluto in Capricorn and America’s relationship with this energy at it’s founding in 1776, the past few years.
But remember, the American Constitution was actually not formalized and agreed to until Pluto was several years into Aquarius, in 1789.
It was an innovative document that had at its core the recognition that the rights of Humans are given by God, not government; and this was an innovative idea at the time, because it meant that government gave up power ultimately to God and the will of ‘the people’.
We can focus our intention that similar blessings and benefits will accrue to ‘we the people’ as Pluto moves through Aquarius.
The key here, is willingness to ‘do the work’, whether in a group or on a personal level. Pluto doesn’t do featherweights, and success in its presence requires commitment.
Pluto’s influence in Aquarius and Saturn’s influence in Pisces can bring depressive energies. If that’s got a hold of you, here is the remedy in less than a minute. I’ve do this process over and over when I need to, and it works for me.
Clip - Reflecting and Letting God
The Generational Danger Has Passed
The asteroid goddesses were key players behind the scenes of the inaugural energy. Asteroid Juno (the clan mother) moved through 23˚ of Scorpio (landing at 24˚ just before the inauguration).
With this degree movement, Juno tells us ‘the danger has passed’ and that some influence with potential generational effects is now behind us. It’s been defeated and our culture will survive. Yet its defeat and exactly what happened is shrouded in mystery (Scorpio).
The Feminine Protector, the Feminine Mystery
Lilith was a key influence in the inaugural energies. Moon conjuncted (met) ‘dark moon’ Lilith, a shadow goddess, at 22˚ of Libra, the potent spiritual warrior.
When she is expressing from a mature and healed state of being, Lilith is the ultimate spiritual warrior and self-possessed woman, protecting her family and her loved ones with a felt presence.
Melania Trump embodied mature and healed Lilith energy in her intimidating hat and outfit. She said no words but all knew what she was thinking.
Divinity acts through Lilith, and it’s best and wise not to cross this energy or attempt to play with her. She likely will be underestimated and that’s fine with her.
To mature Lilith energy requires us to claim back our lost parts, our misplaced energy. It’s a lot of work but the woman who heals this shadow goddess nature is a powerhouse when she does this.
Here’s a description of how the benefits of claiming back the lost parts of your own feminine nature:
Lilith Explained - Embracing the Badass Within
Inauguration Chart with Asteroids
With Sun at 0˚ of Aquarius, conjunct Pluto, at the MidHeaven (Soul Purpose) of the inauguration, this is an incredibly potent chart. This chart is all about power, emanating from the level of the Soul (Sun), and from ‘the heart of the Lion’.
With Sun at 0º, you essentially have the Sun at every degree of Aquarius, shining Light into the darkness (Pluto).
The upside is we achieve Soul reconnection and flourishment at each degree of the future (Aquarius), and the downside is that we see the rank ugliness holding us back, so that it can be routed out and dealt with.
Sun at 0º Aquarius, representing Sun at 0-29˚ of Aquarius therefore can be seen as aspecting every degree of the zodiac.
Now, that’s something.
There’s a lot of power here. Choose wisely how you wish to engage with this energy, as it initiates the next 4 years of governance in the USA.
Notice that the entire signs of Aries (War) and Libra (Justice-Peace) are each fully intercepted within the 12th house (Aries) and the 6th house (Libra).
That’s going to be interesting. It’s particularly potent as we initiate the Pluto-in-Aquarius energies that helped found this nation’s governance, the constitution of the united states of America.
We have a chance as a nation to disrupt the war for profit - peace to raise money, bald faced power grabs of corrupted systems out of our Pluto-in-Capricorn past, by imposing a new will into governance (chart MidHeaven ruled by Sun-Pluto) that rejects the war-peace profit play in favor of traditional Human culture starting with the Home that enhances and supports Human Life.
You see the opportunity and motivation at the opposite side of the MidHeaven-IC line: The benefit of this power exercised is meant to foster and enhance basic Human life, at the IC where Mars is in Cancer retrograde on the cusp of the 4th house (the Human Home, femininity, embodiment of the Soul on Earth).
Energy Conclusion: How Do I Navigate this Energy Personally?
My suggestion is to focus on your own personal plans and goals in life.
In these dynamics, the greater influences are handled by God.
Love, Susan Inspired
Susan Inspired Newsletter: Schumann Resonance, Human Energy, Astrology Aspects & Inspiration for Your Soul
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