Special Insights Available: Next 6 Months Schumann Resonance, Astrology Aspects & Inspiration for your Soul
An Initiation for the Next 6 Months Based on Deep Analysis of Electromagnetic Energy
Key Influence on the Next 6 Months
In this article we will look at Schumann Resonance ‘story lines’ (through the images) and recent astrology aspects, strategies for this energy that can help set you up for the next six months, and inspiration for your Soul. Personal update at the end of the article.
We are ‘lifted’ out of our minds.
We have a ‘lifted sense’ of self now through September 11-12, 2024. There are several influences contributing to this aspect of our mental energy state.
This is a great time for dreaming. Astrology influences set up the potential for special insights and access to Divinity at this time.
The pressure of the energies lift us out of our typical mental state of being.
In this ‘lifted sense’ of self, we can gain insights that our minds would normally ‘push away’ or negate for some reason.We can review or achieve a new state of being for ourselves.
Including Pluto’s move retrograde, the ability to finely look at our situation with the aim to make improvements, is entirely possible. With easier access to Divine Guidance, our ability to make positive change in our lives is tangible.With New Moon September 2, 2024, we gather wisdom for long term projects.
Uranus and then Pluto retrograde on the eve of this New Moon. With Divine Grace attending, we are blessed in ways we do not expect. In the turmoil of ‘the outer world’, look for your blessings.These influences are important for the next 6 months.
With the September New Moon, we are at the cusp of 6 months into the lunar New Year that began on April 8, 2024. Thus the energies discussed in this report, including the Schumann Resonance energies, set us up to complete the next 6 months of the lunar year (September 22 equinox to March equinox). Thus, right now is a great time to plan ahead for manifesting what you most truly value, long term (through January - March 2025).We have special access to the creative aspects of ourselves.
However, right now (while Mercury re-tracks it’s previous territory) we have special access to the creative aspects of ourselves and our brains that are normally silenced by our mind’s reliance on and desire to ‘fit in with the matrix’, to be accepted, to follow standards and rules.This is a great time to come up with creative solutions.
Solutions you’ve never thought of before, or you always dreamed to pursue, or are possibilities that did not occur to you before, come through spiritual connection.Access your spiritual guidance, allowing creativity to bubble up.
In this way, allow yourself to develop and pursue dreams and perceptions. Even after we’ve moved beyond this special period, remember these techniques you used to receive them by bringing this to consciousness, now or later. This way, you allow yourself to consciously add what you learn now to your spiritual and energetic ‘tool belt’, for access that is ongoing; that you can come back to later.Mental projects and processes are not favored just yet.
With Mercury retracing itself through September 11-12, getting our thoughts together, communicating rapidly and clearly, calculating linear time, all these may take longer than expected.We have greater access to the spiritual being we truly are.
With our thinking and communicating working slower than usual, the positive here is this: it is a good time for communing with your own Spirit, for accessing your own Soul through musing and meditation, and for praying and igniting that connecting and guidance from God. The Neptune-Venus opposition in its elevated state says that the spiritual, and the spiritual within ourselves, is of the greatest value.‘Liftoff’ seems delayed - Musing is favored.
This is a time of musing, of receiving guidance, of resting and preparing, of building strength. At Mercury’s station direct, Mars the energy planet is square Neptune and Venus at the advanced degrees of Gemini. There is the potential for struggle ‘behind the scenes’ in the area of communications, any supposedly thoughtful processes, with brothers and sisters, with tribe.ÂWe sense the spiritual battle waging underneath events and we sense great risk.
Neptune and Venus oppose each other: We are stuck in a spiritual battle and we sense that what’s at risk effects what we most deeply care about. We aren’t going to think our way out of this, at this point, and with Mars in a t-square with both these planets, it’s not yet time for action. Frustration may be building. Practice staying centered. Going with the flow is favored.Roll with the energy - Everything is actually occurring in perfect timing.
The New Moon with its potentials for activating and initiating occurred the evening of Monday September 2, 2024 (pacific time). We yearn for something, perhaps something new, but based in what we had before. We ask ourselves: How do we create new resonant experiences?Be ready for action, once Mercury leaps forward on September 12, 2024.
When he moves direct, this planet will be fast moving. Action may be rapid and potent, so it’s a good time to begin implementing something. Dream now, and ask your greater self to include some guidance on specific steps to take in alignment with the roll out of the energy.Here is the amazing blessing - it’s also a time of Grace for us.
I’ve discovered the blessing here. With our minds in a lifted state, as Pluto retrogrades and influences especially the first couple weeks of September, we have access to Divine Guidance like never before. It’s God’s special Grace for us in these times. We get a ‘direct line’, and it is available for the asking. It is a time of easier and direct access to your own Soul.
Technical additional details of the astrology:
There is an astrological ‘repeat’ of the energies of Mercury.
- Mercury is stationing direct in a way that brings our consciousness back to mid July and early August. Mercury first retrograded at 4˚ of Virgo on August 4, 2024, right before the August 5th New Moon and the 8-8-8 Lion’s Gate. It retrograded back to its degree of July 17—18, 2024. This brings up events and energies from that time, for us to look at them differently, in a new way, in an expanded way.
- Mercury: Mind, siblings, tribe, communications, mentality.There is an astrological ‘repeat’ of the energies of Pluto.
Pluto retrograded Sunday September 1, 2024 back to into Capricorn for the last time in the next ~250 years for about a 3 months sojourn. We re-experience the energies of 29˚ Capricorn from last December. Pluto last moved to 29˚ Capricorn last December 19, 2023. Pluto: Bringing laser like focus to the depths, Capricorn represents systems we participate in, including of the Human body (especially the bones or structure), but also of the ‘body collective’, our communities, nation and world.
Schumann Resonance: Access the Well of Divinity Within
Explainer: The Schumann Resonance interacts with the electromagnetic energy of astrology, from our Human perspective.
With the astrology making a repetition of themes from mid July-early August electromagnetically, in my view this influences our Human group consciousness to ‘ping back’ to that time.
In doing so, with our consciousness, we experience the themes of the images on the Schumann Resonance from that time, but in a new way, because we have had weeks pass where we had individual and group experiences that change and shift us.Â
Let’s review the themes, and how they have evolved, because these are all active in the energy potentials at this time.
‘Bridge with Chasm’ image ‘ping back’.
What was in our consciousness in early August: The Bridge and Chasm image in the Schumann Resonance. I stated at that time, that it was an important theme in the energies. The image was so striking I felt it would reverberate in our consciousness for some time to come. To see the bridge, I reversed the chart image above.As we shift, the Schumann reflects our new consciousness and potentials.
Just as we shift, the energy of the bridge image shifted since it presented in early August. This happens because our Human consciousness shifts as we experience the many facets and variations of the image themes in ‘Our Human Experience’ in the weeks since then.
Bridge shifts from two towers to one middle tower:
The side of the bridge with the chasm repeated after a few days. In the chart below, I present the bridge how it appears on the charts. To see the bridge, imagine the reverse of the image.
The bridge image, which had two towers, shifted entirely, to a single tower in the middle, but the bridge seemed ‘under construction’. I interpreted this as a need to shift strategy, to shift approach, to transform from one thing to another, to transform ourselves even to be able to ‘make the crossing’.
The shift from one tower to two towers can also show the opportunity to shift to become centered in our lives; to move from dual thinking towards wholeness, and unity.
Our desire for unity in the ‘outer world’ reflects our desire to be integrated and centered within ourselves. What is in the center of our lives energetically?
Potentially, the truth of who we are is our center; this is our connection with our Divine Source - our connection with God and our own Soul.
Tower Evolves: ‘Crown of Thorns’ surrounds bridge tower ‘with chasm’:
With perseverance and endurance, we can face ‘the unknown’ in our lives, and in doing so, build our faith, and inner resilience.
This can include areas of life we have not faced before, secrets revealed, surprises. Facing the unknown makes us stronger and has the potential to uplift us.
Spikes begin showing on the ‘Crown of Thorns’:
Guided by our faith, by accessing the deep well of Soul within, we have the capability to solve our problems, we have the strength to accomplish what is difficult if we put our effort to the problem, we have the ability to heal.
These evolve into ‘frequency calipers’, assessing our progress (see below image).
Questions for Self Growth and Self Guided Transformation:
Where have you faced ‘duality’ since mid-Summer? How did it shift you? What was your experience? Can you maintain a state of wholeness in challenging times? Are there ways in which you can enhance your own ability to stay centered? Did you develop deeper access to Divine Wisdom? In what ways can you now evolve your connection with your own Soul, through meditation, prayer, or energy work practices?The answers to these questions can result in plans and actions that roll out over the next 6 months potently, for you.
Bridge shifts from ‘chasm’ to ‘well’.
With Pluto’s retrograde at the New Moon, and our mentality ‘lifted’ allowing deeper access to the spiritual, we can now ‘dive deep’ into the well within. Backed by your own Soul, with Sun currently in Virgo (health, lifestyle, work), we have the capability and the energy to do an inner exploration of the details of how we live, how we take care of ourselves, and how we work.
We explored these features from July 23-August 22 as well, during the ‘bridge and chasm’ and ‘one tower to two’ Schumann energies.
Questions for Self Growth and Self Guided Transformation:
Here are some questions for you to explore: What happened for you during those 4 weeks? Were there any potent experiences? How can you use your experience from that time now? What does it mean for you? Did it ask for you to make course corrections in your life? Do you have opportunities that were not present before that are available, now?The answers to these questions can result in plans and actions that roll out over the next 6 months potently, for you.
Schumann Resonance: What Frequency Construct Aligns?
The energies shifted in mid-to-late August, with a ‘frequency structure’ showing and evolving on the Schumann Resonance charts. After the ‘structure’ came ‘calipers’ of closely placed white resonance bars. In my view, these images show ‘assessing frequency’. This is where we are checking alignment, seeing if something works for us, or not.
I interpret the images of the Schumann Resonance in intuitive story form, as it is my view that these represent a reflection of Human consciousness.
In my view, this is the core question we, as the Human collective, appear to be musing on at this time: Does something or someone resonate with the truth of our being, or not?
Aligned frequency construct, aligned ‘build’?, or frequency ‘prison’?
As we are assessing our individual experience or the outer world of our community, state or nation, we can view or experience ‘frequency constructs’ as limiting, like a ‘prison’, or as possibilities for our lives, as something we build or have built for ourselves, in a life-enhancing way.
We can view this as a ‘frequency prison’ that we are trapped in.
Alternatively, we can view this as a ‘frequency construct’ that we are creating or have created where we want to establish more cohesive alignment in our lives.
Individual questions for ‘Frequency Construct’:
Do you want to build something new, or build on what is already developed?
What frequency construct resonates with you?
Where do you truly care - where are the depths of your passion?
How do you apply these on a daily basis?
Can you better match your resonance with your work-health-life?
What changes in habits-actions-attitudes would create alignment?
Individual questions for ‘Frequency Prison’:
Do you want to get out of a limitation, limiting attitudes or beliefs, make a change?
Where are you ‘trapped’ in ways of doing or being?
Where are you limited by your own health or habits?
Where are you ‘bogged down’ in work that is not yours to do, or where you could improve the structure of how you do things?
How do you assess these things with the ‘lifted state’ of mentality that I’ve described? The next about 2 weeks especially through September 11-12 are our opportunity to commune with God, your Soul, Divinity in prayer, meditation, inner musings.
After that, Mercury leaps forward, and you’ll be able to write things down easier, plan better, communicate more clearly.
Now is the time of building resilience and of inner preparation; of musing and receiving Divine Guidance as we prepare in for the change of seasons from Summer to Fall.
Have courage. Take Heart.
Love, Susan Inspired
Our Human Experience of Electromagnetic Energy
Personal update: I spent two of the last 3 weeks attending my Dad at the hospital and in hospice, and he passed recently. This last week has been a recovery for me of that intense period.
I’ve been tracking the energies and living them too, and it was important to me to present a summary of what I’ve been tracking here to update you, as I printed less content for my free subscribers in the past week or so.
I feel good about taking care of personal and family affairs, as even when events are challenging, we can be heartened by doing the right thing for ourselves and for others. We can be heartened by enduring love, and by the knowing that love is eternal, that God is present in all things, and from the comfort of our own Souls.
©2024 Susan Inspired. All Rights Reserved. Views reflect those of the author, only. Permission is given to personally share this article and video as long as the author’s credit is given, and the content shared is not behind a paywall.Â
For Transformational Astrology or Remote Energy sessions, for media permissions or business collaborations, contact me.
WOW! Lovely!! Thank You Susan!